Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
Leistritz offers oil field proven screw pumps for Multiphase, Crude Oil and Emulsion applications. Our MPPackages assist oil fields with declining production, mitigate slugging and/or surging, hydrate blockages and paraffin buildup. Our MPP packages ensure total flows up to 330,000 b/d, GVF’s to 100% and diff. pressures up to 1200 psi.
Markgrafenstr. 29 - 39
Nürnberg, 90459
Phone: 1-499-114-3060
Fax: 1-499-114-3064--90
Press Releases
LEISTRITZ Screw Pumps for Every Application
Press Release / OTC 2013 – Houston, 6-9 May 2013
Leistritz AG, with headquarter in Nuremberg, Germany, was founded in 1905, and has now a total of approx. 1600 people employed in various plants. In 1924 the first screw pumps were manufactured in Nuremberg.
State of the art manufacturing systems, quality control management and environmental compliance are basis of the worldwide known pump technology especially for the marine and the oil and gas market.
Today LEISTRITZ PUMPEN GMBH is a leading screw pump manufacturer, offering screw pumps for a wide range of applications.
The pump programm includes:
for light abrasive and corrosive, high or low viscosity fluids with poor and good lubricity, for the low pressure range up to 16 bar.
for high or low viscosity with good lubricity, for the low and high pressure range up to approx. 250 bar.
for corrosive, abrasive and high or low viscosity fluids with poor lubricity, up to a
pressure range of 40 bar.
for lubricating and slightly abrasive fluids, in the low pressure range up to 10 bar.
for multiphase fluids, mixtures of gas, oil and water with produced solids, up to a differential pressure of approx. 100 bar.
Leistritz screw pumps are used in:
- the chemical and petrochemical industry
- tank farms
- the gear industry
- the painting industry
- hydraulic systems
- the turbine and compressor industry
- machine tools
- the oil and gas industry
- ship building industry
Service centers in Europe, Asia USA and South America guarantee best service and assistance for all our clients.
Markgrafenstrasse 29-39
D - 90459 Nürnberg
Telefon: +49-(0) 9 11-43 06-0
Telefax: +49-(0) 9 11-43 06-490
E-Mail: pumps@leistritz.de
Internet: www.leistritz.com
165, Chestnut Street
Allendale, New Jersey 07401
Tel.: +1-201-9 34 82 62-0
Fax: +1-201-9 34 82 66
E-Mail: staff@leistritzcorp.com
Internet: www.leistritzcorp.com
External Link