OilfieldWiki is a collaborative effort to build and share the world's largest, highest quality Oilfield Encyclopedia. Like Wikipedia, OilfieldWiki is a wiki, in that anyone can write or edit a page on the site. Because OilfieldWiki is editable by anyone, our content changes every day. Each edit can be seen on our list of Recent Changes, which gets reviewed constantly by volunteer editors. Most of the edits made on any given day are helpful, and any poor edits are usually quickly reverted. In this way, articles on OilfieldWiki improve over time, as more and more people contribute their unique knowledge and skills.

Not only are OilfieldWiki’s articles written and maintained by oil/gas industry professionals, but they're also shared with as many people around the world as possible. Our Creative Commons license allows OilfieldWiki’s articles to be used freely by any organization or person. Allowing free republication of our content helps achieve OilfieldWiki's mission by offering our knowledge pool to help even more people for free.

At the core of OilfieldWiki is the volunteer community of writers and editors, who contribute for a wide variety of reasons and in a wide variety of ways. There's a small team of employees, whose job it is to make sure the site keeps reaching readers and innovating on the technology, but volunteer contributors like you are the lifeblood of this project.

If you'd like to help out, getting started is easy. We need authors to start new articles, editors to fix typos, add photos, pick videos, correct inaccuracies, and patrol recent changes. Read this list of the dozens ways you can contribute. If you have any questions, ask the Help Team.


  • Serve as the go to place for any question related to the oil and gas industry;
  • Promote easy/fast industry-wide cross-disciplinary knowledge sharing/learning;
  • Retain the invaluable knowledge and experience of the industry's retiring workforce;