Technical Polymers LLC
Technical Polymers develops and produces thermoplastic compounds based on a wide range of high performance engineering polymers including PA, PPA, PPS, Polysulfones, LCP, PEEK, PEK. Specialized grades include high strength, impact modified, high gravity, conductive / anti-static and friction / wear modified for all thermoplastic processes.
4917 Golden Parkway Suite 300
Buford, GA 30518
United States
Phone: 1-770-237-2311
Fax: 1-770-237-2026
Name: Slique™
Description: High performance thermoplastic compounds exhibiting enhanced friction / wear performance.
Includes compounds based on PA, POM, Polyesters, PC, PPA, PPS, Polysulfones, LCP and Polyketones.
Name: Thermec S™
Description: High performance PPS based compounds exhibiting enhanced thermal / mechanical properties.
Thermec S™ compounds are high performance thermoplastic materials utilizing PPS (polyphenylene sulfide) as the base polymer. Both the linear type and the branched type of PPS are employed. PPS exhibits high temperature capability with exceptional chemical resistance as it has no known solvent below 200°C. Available grades include glass fiber reinforced, carbon fiber reinforced, glass / mineral reinforced, impact modified and blow moldable.
Name: Ecomass®
Description: Thermoplastic compounds formulated with high specific gravity for weighting, balancing and radiation shielding applications.
Ecomass ® compounds cover the range of specific gravity from 0.70 to 11.5 g/cc. Grades utilize most available thermoplastic base polymers and can be customized for specific applications.
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