List of minerals F-G (complete)
It is currently not possible to have a "complete list of minerals". The International Mineralogical Association is the international group that recognises new minerals and new mineral names, however minerals discovered before 1959 did not go through the official naming procedure, although some minerals published previously have been either confirmed or discredited since that date. This list contains a mixture of mineral names that have been approved since 1959 and those mineral names believed to still refer to valid mineral species (these are called "grandfathered" species).
The list is divided into groups:
The data was exported from on April 29, 2005, revised 2011.
The minerals are sorted by name with the IMA approval, followed by the year of publication (if it's before an IMA approval procedure) and the Nickel-Strunz code. The first link is to, the second link is to, and the third is to the Handbook of Mineralogy (Mineralogical Society of America).
- Abbreviations:
- "*" - discredited (IMA/CNMNC status).
- "?" - questionable/doubtful (IMA/CNMNC status).
- N - published without approval of the IMA/CNMNC.
- G - a name used to designate a group of species.
- I - intermediate member of a solid-solution series.
- H - hypothetical mineral (synthetic, anthropogenic, etc.)
- ch - chemical analysis incomplete. Published without approval and formally discredited or not approved, yet.
- no - no link available.
- IUPAC - IUPAC name.
- red. - redefinition of ...
- Y: 1NNN - year of publication.
- Y: old - known before publications were available.
- Fabianite [1] [2] [3]
- Faheyite [4] [5] [6]
- Fahleite [7] [8] [9]
- Fairbankite [10] [11] [12]
- Fairchildite [13] [14] [15]
- Fairfieldite [16] [17] [18]
- Faizievite (2006-037) 09.CM.10 [19] [20] [no]
- Falcondoite [21] [22] [23]
- Famatinite [24] [25] [26]
- Fangite [27] [28] [29]
- Fantappièite (2008-006) 09.FB.05 [30] [no] [no]
- Farneseite (2004-043) 09.FB.05 [31] [32] [no]
- Farringtonite [33] [34] [35]
- Faujasite-Ca [36] [37] [no]
- Faujasite-Mg [38] [39] [no]
- Faujasite-Na [40] [41] [42]
- Faustite [43] [44] [45]
- Fayalite [46] [47] [48]
- Fedorite [49] [50] [51]
- Fedorovskite [52] [53] [54]
- Fedotovite [55] [56] [57]
- Feinglosite [58] [59] [60]
- Feitknechtite [61] [62] [63]
- Feklichevite [64] [65] [no]
- Felbertalite [66] [67] [68]
- Felsobanyaite 07.DD.05 [69] [70] [71]
- Fenaksite [72] [73] [74]
- Fencooperite [75] [76] [no]
- Ferberite [77] [78] [79]
- Ferchromide [80] [81] [82]
- Fergusonite-beta-(Ce) [83] [84] [no]
- Fergusonite-beta-(Nd) [85] [86] [no]
- Fergusonite-beta-(Y) [87] [88] [no]
- Fergusonite-(Ce) [89] [90] [91]
- Fergusonite-(Nd)N [92] [93] [94]
- Fergusonite-(Y) [95] [96] [97]
- Fernandinite [98] [99] [100]
- Feroxyhyte [101] [102] [103]
- Ferrarisite [104] [105] [106]
- Ferriallanite-(Ce) [107] [108] [no]
- Ferric-ferronyböite 09.DE.25 [109] [no] [no]
- Ferri-clinoferroholmquistite (2001-066) 09.DE.25 [110] [111] [no]
- Ferric-nyböite 09.DE.25 [112] [no] [no]
- Ferricopiapite 07.DB.35 [113] [114] [115]
- Ferrierite-K [116] [117] [no]
- Ferrierite-Mg [118] [119] [no]
- Ferrierite-Na [120] [121] [122]
- Ferri-ferrobarroisite 09.DE.20 [123] [124] [no]
- Ferri-ferrotschermakite 09.?? [125] [126] [no]
- Ferrihydrite [127] [128] [129]
- Ferrilotharmeyerite [130] [131] [132]
- Ferri-magnesiotaramite 09.DE.20 [133] [134] [no]
- Ferrimolybdite [135] [136] [137]
- Ferrinatrite [138] [139] [140]
- Ferri-ottoliniite (2001-067a) 09.DE.15 [141] [142] [no]
- Ferripyrophyllite [143] [144] [145]
- Ferrisicklerite [146] [147] [148]
- Ferristrunzite [149] [150] [151]
- Ferrisurite [152] [153] [154]
- Ferrisymplesite [155] [156] [157]
- Ferritaramite 09.DE.20 [158] [159] [no]
- Ferritschermakite 09.DE.10 [160] [161] [no]
- Ferriwhittakerite (2001-069) 09.DE.15 [162] [163] [no]
- Ferriwinchite (2004-034) 09.DE.20 [164] [165] [no]
- Ferro-actinolite [166] [167] [168]
- Ferroalluaudite [169] [170] [171]
- Ferroaluminoceladonite [172] [173] [no]
- Ferro-anthophyllite 09.DD.05 [174] [175] [no]
- Ferrobarroisite [176] [177] [178]
- Ferrobustamite [179] [180] [181]
- Ferrocarpholite [182] [183] [184]
- Ferroceladonite [185] [186] [no]
- Ferro-eckermannite 09.DE.25 [187] [188] [no]
- Ferro-edenite 09.DE.15 [189] [190] [191]
- Ferroericssonite (2010-025) 09.?? [192] [no] [no]
- Ferrogedrite [193] [194] [195]
- Ferroglaucophane [196] [197] [198]
- Ferrohexahydrite [199] [200] [201]
- Ferrohögbomite-2N2S [202] [203] [no]
- Ferroholmquistite [204] [205] [no]
- Ferrohornblende [206] [207] [208]
- Ferrokaersutite [209] [210] [211]
- Ferrokentbrooksite [212] [213] [no]
- Ferrokësterite [214] [215] [216]
- Ferrokinoshitalite [217] [218] [no]
- Ferrolaueite (1987-046a) 08.DC.30 [219] [220] [no]
- Ferroleakeite 09.DE.25 [221] [222] [no]
- Ferronickelplatinum [223] [224] [225]
- Ferronigerite-2N1S [226] [227] [228]
- Ferronigerite-6N6S [229] [230] [231]
- Ferronordite-(Ce) [232] [233] [no]
- Ferronordite-(La) [234] [235] [no]
- Ferro-obertiite (2009-034) 09.DE.25 [236] [no] [no]
- Ferropargasite [237] [238] [239]
- Ferropyrosmalite [240] [241] [242]
- Ferrorhodsite [243] [244] [no]
- Ferrorichterite [245] [246] [247]
- Ferrorosemaryite (2003-063) 08.AC.15 [248] [249] [no]
- Ferrosaponite (2002-028) 09.EC.45 [250] [251] [no]
- Ferroselite [252] [253] [254]
- Ferrosilite [255] [256] [257]
- Ferroskutterudite (2006-032) 02.EC.05 [258] [259] [no]
- Ferrostrunzite [260] [261] [262]
- Ferrotaaffeite-6N'3S [263] [264] [265]
- Ferrotantalite [266] [267] [268]
- Ferrotitanowodginite [269] [270] [no]
- Ferrotschermakite [271] [272] [273]
- Ferrotychite [274] [275] [276]
- Ferrowinchite 09.DE.20 [277] [278] [no]
- Ferrowodginite [279] [280] [281]
- Ferrowyllieite [282] [283] [284]
- Ferruccite [285] [286] [287]
- Fersmanite [288] [289] [290]
- Fersmite [291] [292] [293]
- Feruvite [294] [295] [296]
- Fervanite [297] [298] [299]
- Fetiasite [300] [301] [302]
- Fettelite [303] [304] [305]
- Fianelite [306] [307] [308]
- Fibroferrite [309] [310] [311]
- Fichtelite [312] [313] [314]
- Fiedlerite [315] [316] [317]
- Filatovite [318] [319] [no]
- Filipstadite [320] [321] [322]
- Fillowite [323] [324] [325]
- Fingerite [326] [327] [328]
- Finnemanite [329] [330] [331]
- Fischesserite [332] [333] [334]
- Fivegite (2009-067) (none) [335] [no] [no]
- Fizélyite [336] [337] [338]
- Flagstaffite [339] [340] [341]
- Fleischerite [342] [343] [344]
- Fletcherite [345] [346] [347]
- Flinkite [348] [349] [350]
- Florencite-(Ce) 08.BL.13 [351] [352] [353]
- Florencite-(La) 08.BL.13 [354] [355] [356]
- Florencite-(Nd) 08.BL.13 [357] [358] [359]
- Florenskyite [360] [361] [no]
- Florensovite [362] [363] [364]
- Flörkeite (2008-036) 09.GC.10 [365] [366] [367]
- Fluckite [368] [369] [370]
- Fluellite [371] [372] [373]
- Fluoborite [374] [375] [376]
- Fluocerite-(Ce) [377] [378] [no]
- Fluocerite-(La) [379] [380] [381]
- Fluorannite (1999-048) 09.EC.20 [382] [383] [no]
- Fluorapatite [384] [385] [386]
(For Fluorarrojadite see here) - Fluorbritholite-(Ce) (1991-027) 09.AH.25 [387] [388] [no]
- Fluorbritholite-(Y) (2009-005) 09.AH.25 [389] [no] [no]
- Fluorcalciobritholite (2006-010) 09.AH.25 [390] [391] [no]
- Fluorcanasite (2007-031) 09.DG.80 [392] [393] [no]
- Fluorcaphite [394] [395] [396]
- Fluor-dravite (2009-089) 09.CK.05 [397] [no] [no]
- Fluorellestadite [398] [399] [400]
- Fluorite [401] [402] [403]
- Fluornatromicrolite (1998-018) 04.DH.15 [404] [405] [no]
- Fluoroaluminoleakeite (2009-012) 09.DE.25 [406] [no] [407]
- Fluoro-alumino-magnesiotaramite (2006-025) 09.DE.20 [408] [409] [no]
- Fluorocannilloite [410] [411] [no]
- Fluorocronite (2010-023) (none) [412] [no] [no]
- Fluoro-edenite [413] [414] [no]
- Fluoro-ferroleakeite (1993-026) 09.DE.25 [415] [416] [no]
- Fluorokinoshitalite (2010-001) 09.EC.35 [417] [no] [no]
- Fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite [418] [419] [no]
- Fluoro-magnesiohastingsite (2005-002) 09.DE.15 [420] [421] [no]
- Fluoronyböite [422] [423] [no]
- Fluoropargasite (2003-050) 09.DE.15 [424] [425] [no]
- Fluorophlogopite (2006-011) 09.EC.20 [426] [427] [no]
- Fluoropotassichastingsite (2005-006) 09.DE.15 [428] [no] [429]
- Fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite (1985-023) 09.DE.25 [430] [no] [no]
- Fluoro-potassicrichterite (1986-046) 09.DE.20 [431] [no] [no]
- Fluoro-richterite [432] [433] [no]
- Fluoro-sodic-ferropedrizite (2008-070) 09.DE.05 [434] [no] [435]
- Fluoro-sodic-pedrizite (2004-002) 09.DE.25 [436] [no] [no]
- Fluorotetraferriphlogopite (2010-002) 09.EC.20 [437] [no] [no]
- Fluorphosphohedyphane (2008-068) 08.BN.05 [438] [no] [no]
- Fluorstrophite 08.BN.05 [439] [440] [441]
- Fluorthalenite-(Y) [442] [443] [no]
- Fluorvesuvianite [444] [445] [no]
- Foggite [446] [447] [448]
- Foitite [449] [450] [451]
- Fontanite [452] [453] [454]
- Foordite [455] [456] [457]
- Footemineite (2006-029) 08.DA.10 [458] [459] [no]
- Formanite-(Y) [460] [461] [462]
- Formicaite [463] [464] [465]
- Fornacite [466] [467] [468]
- Forsterite [469] [470] [471]
- Foshagite [472] [473] [474]
- Fougèrite (2003-057) 04.FL.05 [475] [476] [no]
- Fourmarierite [477] [478] [479]
- Fraipontite 09.ED.15 [480] [481] [482]
- Francevillite [483] [484] [485]
- Franciscanite [486] [487] [488]
- Francisite [489] [490] [491]
- Franckeite [492] [493] [494]
- Francoanellite [495] [496] [497]
- Françoisite-(Ce) (2004-029) 08.EC.05 [498] [499] [no]
- Françoisite-(Nd) (1987-041) 08.EC.05 [500] [501] [502]
- Franconite [503] [504] [505]
- Frankamenite [506] [507] [no]
- Frankdicksonite (1974-015) 03.AB.25 [508] [509] [510]
- Frankhawthorneite [511] [512] [513]
- Franklinfurnaceite [514] [515] [516]
- Franklinite [517] [518] [519]
- Franklinphilite [520] [521] [522]
- Fransoletite [523] [524] [525]
- Franzinite [526] [527] [528]
- Freboldite [529] [530] [531]
- Fredrikssonite [532] [533] [534]
- Freedite [535] [536] [537]
- Freibergite [538] [539] [540]
- Freieslebenite 02.JB.15 [541] [542] [543]
- Fresnoite [544] [545] [546]
- Freudenbergite [547] [548] [549]
- Friedelite [550] [551] [552]
- Friedrichbeckeite (2008-019) 09.CM.?? [553] [554] [555]
- Friedrichite [556] [557] [558]
- Fritzscheite 04.HB.15 [559] [560] [561]
- Frohbergite [562] [563] [564]
- Frolovite [565] [566] [567]
- Frondelite [568] [569] [570]
- Froodite [571] [572] [573]
- Fuenzalidaite [574] [575] [576]
- Fukalite [577] [578] [579]
- Fukuchilite [580] [581] [582]
- Fülöppite [583] [584] [585]
- Furongite [586] [587] [588]
- Furutobeite [589] [590] [591]
- Gabrielite [592] [593] [no]
- Gabrielsonite [594] [595] [596]
- Gadolinite-(Ce) [597] [598] [599]
- Gadolinite-(Y) [600] [601] [602]
- Gagarinite-(Ce) 03.AB.35 [603] [604] [605]
- Gagarinite-(Y) [606] [607] [608]
- Gageite [609] [610] [611]
- Gahnite [612] [613] [614]
- Gaidonnayite [615] [616] [617]
- Gainesite [618] [619] [620]
- Gaitite [621] [622] [623]
- Galaxite [624] [625] [626]
- Galeite [627] [628] [629]
- Galena [630] [631] [632]
(IUPAC: Lead sulfide) - Galenobismutite [633] [634] [635]
- Galgenbergite-(Ce) [636] [637] [no]
- Galileiite [638] [639] [640]
- Galkhaite [641] [642] [643]
- Galliskiite (2009-038) 08.?? [644] [no] [no]
- Gallite [645] [646] [647]
- Gallobeudantite [648] [649] [650]
- Gamagarite [651] [652] [653]
- Gananite [654] [655] [656]
- Ganomalite [657] [658] [659]
- Ganophyllite [660] [661] [662]
- Ganterite [663] [664] [no]
- Gaotaiite [665] [666] [667]
- Garavellite [668] [669] [670]
- Garrelsite [671] [672] [673]
- Garronite [674] [675] [676]
- Gartrellite [677] [678] [679]
- Garutiite (2008-055) 01.AG.05 [680] [no] [no]
- Garyansellite [681] [682] [683]
- Gasparite-(Ce) [684] [685] [686]
- Gaspéite [687] [688] [689]
- Gatehouseite [690] [691] [692]
- Gatelite-(Ce) [693] [694] [no]
- Gatumbaite [695] [696] [697]
- Gaudefroyite [698] [699] [700]
- Gaultite [701] [702] [no]
- Gayite (2008-056) 08.DK.15 [703] [no] [no]
- Gaylussite [704] [705] [706]
- Gearksutite [707] [708] [709]
- Gebhardite [710] [711] [712]
- Gedrite [713] [714] [715]
- Geerite [716] [717] [718]
- Geffroyite [719] [720] [721]
- Gehlenite [722] [723] [724]
- Geigerite [725] [726] [727]
- Geikielite [728] [729] [730]
- Gelosaite (2009-022) 07.?? [731] [no] [no]
- Geminite [732] [733] [734]
- Gengenbachite (2001-003b) 08.CA.65 [735] [736] [no]
- Genkinite [737] [738] [739]
- Genthelvite [740] [741] [742]
- Geocronite [743] [744] [745]
- Georgbarsanovite (2003-013) 09.CO.10 [746] [747] [no]
- Georgbokiite [748] [749] [750]
- Georgechaoite [751] [752] [753]
- George-ericksenite [754] [755] [756]
- Georgeite [757] [758] [759]
- Georgiadesite 04.JB.70 [760] [761] [762]
- Gerasimovskite [763] [764] [765]
- Gerdtremmelite [766] [767] [768]
- Gerenite-(Y) [769] [770] [no]
- Gerhardtite [771] [772] [773]
- Germanite [774] [775] [776]
- Germanocolusite [777] [778] [779]
- Gersdorffite [780] [781] [782]
- Gerstleyite [783] [784] [785]
- Gerstmannite [786] [787] [788]
- Getchellite [789] [790] [791]
- Geversite [792] [793] [794]
- Gianellaite [795] [796] [797]
- Gibbsite [798] [799] [800]
- Giessenite [801] [802] [803]
- Gilalite [804] [805] [806]
- Gillardite (2006-041) 03.DA.10c [807] [808] [no]
- Gillespite [809] [810] [811]
- Gillulyite [812] [813] [814]
- Gilmarite [815] [816] [817]
- Giniite [818] [819] [820]
- Ginorite [821] [822] [823]
- Giorgiosite? [824] [825] [826]
- Giraudite [827] [828] [829]
- Girdite [830] [831] [832]
- Girvasite [833] [834] [835]
- Gismondine-Ca 09.GC.05 [836] [837] [838]
- Gismondine-BaN 09.?? [839] [no] [no]
- Gittinsite [840] [841] [842]
- Giuseppettite [843] [844] [845]
- Gjerdingenite-Ca (2005-029) 09.CE.30c [846] [847] [no]
- Gjerdingenite-Fe (2001-009) 09.CE.30c [848] [849] [no]
- Gjerdingenite-Mn (2003-015) 09.CE.30c [850] [851] [no]
- Gjerdingenite-Na (2005-030) 09.CE.30c [852] [853] [no]
- Gladite [854] [855] [856]
- Gladiusite [857] [858] [859]
- Glagolevite (2001-064) 09.EC.55 [860] [861] [no]
- Glauberite [862] [863] [864]
- Glaucocerinite [865] [866] [867]
- Glaucochroite [868] [869] [870]
- Glaucodot [871] [872] [873]
- Glauconite [874] [875] [876]
- Glaucophane [877] [878] [879]
- Glaukosphaerite [880] [881] [882]
- Glucine (mineral) [883] [884] [885]
- Glushinskite [886] [887] [888]
- Gmelinite-Ca [889] [890] [no]
- Gmelinite-K [891] [892] [no]
- Gmelinite-Na [893] [894] [895]
- Gobbinsite [896] [897] [898]
- Godlevskite [899] [900] [901]
- Godovikovite [902] [903] [904]
- Goedkenite [905] [906] [907]
- Goethite [908] [909] [910]
- Gold [911] [912] [913]
- Goldfieldite [914] [915] [916]
- Goldichite [917] [918] [919]
- Goldmanite [920] [921] [922]
- Goldquarryite [923] [924] [no]
- Golyshevite (2004-039) 09.CO.10 [925] [926] [no]
- Gonnardite [927] [928] [929]
- Gonyerite [930] [931] [932]
- Goosecreekite [933] [934] [935]
- Gorceixite [936] [937] [938]
- Gordaite [939] [940] [941]
- Gordonite [942] [943] [944]
- Görgeyite [945] [946] [947]
- Gormanite [948] [949] [950]
- Gortdrumite [951] [952] [953]
- Goslarite [954] [955] [956]
- Gottardiite [957] [958] [no]
- Gottlobite [959] [960] [no]
- Götzenite [961] [962] [963]
- Goudeyite [964] [965] [966]
- Gowerite [967] [968] [969]
- Goyazite [970] [971] [972]
- Graemite [973] [974] [975]
- Graeserite [976] [977] [no]
- Graftonite [978] [979] [980]
- Gramaccioliite-(Y) [981] [982] [no]
- Grandidierite [983] [984] [985]
- Grandreefite [986] [987] [988]
- Grandviewite (2007-004) 07.BB.60 [989] [990] [no]
- Grantsite [991] [992] [993]
- Graphite [994] [995] [996]
- Gratonite [997] [998] [999]
- Grattarolaite [1,000] [1,001] [1,002]
- Graulichite-(Ce) [1,003] [1,004] [no]
- Gravegliaite [1,005] [1,006] [1,007]
- Grayite [1,008] [1,009] [1,010]
- Grechishchevite [1,011] [1,012] [1,013]
- Greenalite [1,014] [1,015] [1,016]
- Greenockite [1,017] [1,018] [1,019]
- Greenwoodite (2010-007) 09.?? [1,020] [no] [no]
- Gregoryite [1,021] [1,022] [1,023]
- Greifensteinite [1,024] [1,025] [1,026]
- Greigite [1,027] [1,028] [1,029]
- Grenmarite (2003-024) 09.BE.25 [1,030] [1,031] [no]
- Griceite [1,032] [1,033] [1,034]
- Grimaldiite [1,035] [1,036] [1,037]
- Grimselite [1,038] [1,039] [1,040]
- Griphite [1,041] [1,042] [1,043]
- Grischunite [1,044] [1,045] [1,046]
- Groatite (2008-054) 08.AC.10 [1,047] [no] [1,048]
- Grossite [1,049] [1,050] [1,051]
- Grossmanite (2008-042a) 09.DA.15 [1,052] [1,053] [no]
- Grossular [1,054] [1,055] [1,056]
- Groutite [1,057] [1,058] [1,059]
- Grumantite [1,060] [1,061] [1,062]
- Grumiplucite [1,063] [1,064] [1,065]
- Grünerite [1,066] [1,067] [1,068]
- Gruzdevite [1,069] [1,070] [1,071]
- Guanacoite (2003-021) 08.DD.10 [1,072] [1,073] [no]
- Guanajuatite [1,074] [1,075] [1,076]
- Guanine [1,077] [1,078] [1,079]
- Guarinoite [1,080] [1,081] [1,082]
- Gudmundite [1,083] [1,084] [1,085]
- Guérinite [1,086] [1,087] [1,088]
- Guettardite [1,089] [1,090] [1,091]
- Gugiaite [1,092] [1,093] [1,094]
- Guidottiite (2009-061) 09.ED.15 [1,095] [no] [no]
- Guildite [1,096] [1,097] [1,098]
- Guilleminite [1,099] [1,100] [1,101]
- Guimarãesite (2006-028) 08.DA.10 [1,102] [1,103] [no]
- Gunningite [1,104] [1,105] [1,106]
- Gupeiite [1,107] [1,108] [1,109]
- Gustavite [1,110] [1,111] [1,112]
- Gutkovaite-Mn (2001-038) 09.CE.30h [1,113] [1,114] [no]
- Guyanaite [1,115] [1,116] [1,117]
- Gwihabaite [1,118] [1,119] [1,120]
- Gypsum [1,121] [1,122] [1,123]
(IUPAC: Calcium sulfate dihydrate) - Gyrolite [1,124] [1,125] [1,126]
- Gysinite-(Nd) [1,127] [1,128] [1,129]
External links