The Laplace number (La), also known as the Suratman number (Su), is a dimensionless number used in the characterization of free surface fluid dynamics. It represents a ratio of surface tension to the momentum-transport (especially dissipation) inside a fluid.

It is defined as follows:

\[La = Su = \frac{\sigma \rho L}{\mu^2}\,\]


Laplace number is related to Reynolds number (Re) and Weber number (We) in the following way:

\[La = \frac{Re^2}{We}\,\]

See also

  • Ohnesorge number - There is an inverse relationship, \(La = Oh^{-2}\), between the Laplace number and the Ohnesorge number.
bs:Laplaceov broj

ca:Nombre de Laplace de:Laplace-Zahl es:Número de Laplace fr:Nombre de Laplace fa:عدد لاپلاس ko:라플라스 수 hi:लैप्लास संख्या it:Numero di Laplace nl:Getal van Laplace ru:Число Лапласа ar:عدد لابلاس